Friday, November 1, 2013

Birthday bash back home!

Here are a couple more pictures from this summer when we went home and from Charlie's Pirate bday party. Plus a couple extra from the aquarium in chicago and him putting his gun in his britches.

                                                           Boo at the Zoo after dark

Charlie Halloween and shark boy

So, I am being good and posting Halloween pictures shortly after Halloween.  There are also some pics of Charlie with his shark backpack on with the head piece that are hilarious, he was looking in the mirror behind us and sticking his butt out in the process. hahaha  
ps. i included a couple pics of me and david, we dressed as robbers, david took his makeup off before I could take a picture, so it's his own fault he looks like he's a 60 yr old washed up rocker..

Thursday, July 4, 2013

charlie's BUTT

                                           charlie is obsessed with body parts lately...especially.......

morning time

Daddy snuggling baby cute

Sunday, June 2, 2013

new photos from the past few months

 grandma and grandpa's visit

 naked buttcheeks out in the rain!

 dinosaur park

 explorin the zoo

 memorial day paaartaay
 new house color